Turn on your wifi on spotify for mac
Turn on your wifi on spotify for mac

turn on your wifi on spotify for mac

like a specific setting or, as dominic23 says, a cache that's gone wrong.Īll this just to say. something gone wrong with the local administration of everything. Whatever it was was definitely buried somewhere in the System files, I'm guessing, but not something inherent to the core. I did notice, during the Yosemite issues, that connecting my computer to the network seemed to slow all others. a distant possibility, but possible nonetheless. Also, check to make sure the slowdown isn't due to other updates being downloaded or pics or music being synced to iCloud. They both seem to place a crazy drag on things. Something else that seemed to be a huge help was making sure to NOT be running Dropbox or Google Drive.

turn on your wifi on spotify for mac

But in El Capitan, it's consistently at the 9 mbs rate (which, for where we are, is about as fast as it will get). on pretty much all networks, including outside our home. But I do want to reiterate, I had horrible Internet speed. So this sounds like good advice from dominic23. before I saw a big improvement (I ran the latest version of Onyx). I do believe, if I remember right, that I did delete the cache etc. I will keep an eye on my speed and let you know if it goes down again. So apparently Apple is not treating it as a bug to fix. The Apple support guy said there are no records in Apple's system that OS X El Capitan is having wifi issues. Working fine for now after a few more tests. Then I renewed the DHCP lease again and speed is up again. I tested speed using and after a few tests speed went down to 15mbps down and 5mbps up.

turn on your wifi on spotify for mac

This last step brought my internet speed up again. Then I suggested resetting PRAM (turn off Mac, then hold Command + Option + P + R and tap power button) Wait for 2 Apple chimes and release keys. Guy on the phone asked to reset router again - FAILED Delete, add new WIFI connection - FAILED Cleared Safari/Chrome cache, etc - FAILED Turned off the router, wait 10 secs, turn on again - FAILED I have fibre internet connection (30mbps down, 10mbps up).

#Turn on your wifi on spotify for mac pro#

After upgrading all my macs (Macbook Air, iMac, Macbook Pro Retina Mid2012), the only with the slow internet issue is the MBP.

Turn on your wifi on spotify for mac